In the 4th installment of the Mission Impossible series, Ethan Hunt and his team are racing against time to track down a dangerous terrorist named Hendricks, who has gained access to Russian nuclear launch codes and is planning a strike on the United States. An attempt by the team to stop him at the Kremlin ends in a disaster, with an explosion causing severe destruction to the Kremlin and the IMF being implicated in the bombing, forcing the President to invoke Ghost Protocol, under which the IMF is disavowed, and will be offered no help or backup in any form. Undaunted, Ethan and his team chase Hendricks to Dubai, and from there to Mumbai, but several spectacular action sequences later, they might still be too late to stop a disaster.
Director:Brad Bird
Writers:Josh Appelbaum, André Nemec
Stars:Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner and Simon Pegg
Genres:Action | Adventure | Thriller
Quality : TS
File Size : 450 MB
Resolution : 720x304
Source : TS XviD-GENER8XiON
CD 1
CD 2
CD 3
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7 komentar:
Mission Impossible adalah salah satu film favorit saya sahabat...
Blog keperawatan@ iya ,sama juga ne film kesukaan saya,,thankx udah mampir di blog saya
Trims bang, lumayan lama download ni film. Nyampe pagi baru selesai....sekali lagi ane ucapin terima kasih
kopi luwak@ sama2 gan makaci udah mampir disini,,
Ada award untuk kamu teman,, silahkan ambil ya
dan cek hadiahnya di SINI.
halo sobat.. sudah lama tak berjumpa ^^
hallo juga gan,,iya udah lama gk jumpa cos ada kesibukan yng tak bisa di tinggalkan,,
jadi maaf buat temen2 kal saya jarang blogwalking
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